It's All About Me and Delta

salute Tuan.
Selamat pagi, tuan.
Saya wirawati Pow Yih Ling dari kompeni Delta akan berkhidmat untuk negara sehingga 9 Mac 2010, Tuan.
Kebenaran menjalankan tugas lain, Tuan
salute Terima kasih, Tuan.

Well, FYI, Delta is my company's name. There are Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and last but not least will be Delta. Our strength is the least compared to the other company. However, our spirit was tremendous. We are always enthusiastic in everything we do at there. No matter what happens, we always show high fighting spirit. What makes us so determined to succeed was our cheer and Delta's song. Here it's how it goes:

takut, takut, takut
x takut, x takut
gentar, gentar, gentar
x gentar, x gentar

KESATRIA champion

1 x Delta, 2 x Delta, 3 x Delta
Delta, delta, delta
kalau kurang gagah, tambah gagah
kurang kuat, tambah kuat
kurang hebat, tambah hebat

K-E-S-A-T-R-I-A claps 2-2-1 x3

coconut kelape
kalau kalah x ape
yang penting kita cube
it's ok it's alright
KESATRIA fight fight fight
DELTA champion

Tasik Meranti tempat bertemu
bergabungan tenaga
ingin berjasa pada negara
itu matlamat kita
datang membawa harapan
pulang menggengam kejayaan
tidak gentar!! walau dicabar!!
kamilah KESATRIA

bergabung tenaga kami semua
wira wirawati bersama
ingin mengharumkan name negara
agar berada di persada dunia

kamilah KESATRIA

P.S. Saya sayang wira wirawati Delta. He3. muacks

1 intimate notes:

peiching said...
March 11, 2010 at 4:02 PM

nice!! and me next!!

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